Sculpting on Day Five

Snow Main
Day Zero
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
This last day was rather cold and cloudy. Sculpting lasted until 11 am, then the jury walked by the sculptures, and their decision was announced at 4pm.
To the right, the first place Circle of Life,by the Swiss team from Suhr. The second place is below to the left, Izba-Spa,by the Russian team from Moscow. And to the right the third place Nylon Island,by the Canadian team from Quebec. Scroll down to see some further sculptures we enjoyed.
First Place
Second Place Third Place
Mountain Janus Stardust
  Rocky Mountain Janus,by the US team from New York. Stardust,by the Swiss team from Gais.
  Transformation,by the German team from Woldegk.