Mushrooms (mostly Boletus rubriceps, others include: Amanita muscaria, Pholiota squarrosa, Gyromitra esculenta, Cantharellus cibarius, Microstoma protractum, and others)
Above: Il Porcino Ultimo (2017). Helicopter Parents (2019).
Above: Porcino raising a log; pholiota squarrosa; Microstoma protractum (also called Rosy Goblet); my largest porcin find ever, 14 inch diameter, almost 5 pounds.
Below: 2019: What a great year! 4.3 pounds and worm-free is largest fresh one ever.
Below: Amanita muscaria is an indicator that porcini might be nearby. Can’t beat this for closeness of the two.
A morel: the only one I have ever found in Colorado. Lake County, 12600 feet.
Porcini (aka, Steinpilz, Cepes, King bolete, Boletus rubriceps)