Day Six: Billy Budd Transverse Ridge, Fly Out

The view south from near Houston Pass with White Chocolate Couloir and the transverse ridge off Billy Budd. The spot above the annular snow patch at right is what I call the notch, where we passed through in 2004, and where we reached this day.


A fixed rope in the loose rock below the notch, which we used as a hand line.


Stan at the notch.


David’s view of Pierre and me at the notch. Photo by David Nebel.


The west face of Billy Budd (skied in 2004), the Chinese Wall of Scylla, the snow pass SW of Scylla that we went through in 2013, and Stygian Pool; photo taken from the notch in the transverse ridge of Budd.


At 4:45 it seemed hopeless that a helicopter would get in, but it did get in around 5:50. (Photo by Pierre Hungr)


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