West Deming, Southwest Face
This informal name is because the peak is at the head of North Tenmile Creek. The S face is very prominent from peaks in the area and offers a fine easy descent of about 2000 feet into Polk Creek. I have done this on May 18, 1999, with Janet Jacks and on May 24, 2017, with Henry Gibb. Both times I started at Vail Pass, but it does seem like it would be much easier to start and finish where Polk Creek strikes I-70. Here is the view as one approaches the last section of trees on the S ridge.
And here Henry Gibb enjoys good conditions as he leaves the summit.
Below: Stan descending. (Photo by Henry Gibb)
The east side of this peak is rugged, with some intriguing couloirs.
Below: Stan just at the summit of N Tenmile Peak. Valhalla is above my left hand. Grand Traverse Peak is above my right shoulder. Photo by Henry Gibb.